분류 전체보기(274)
thank you for jogging my memory
thank you for jogging my memory 상기시켜줘서 고맙네. jog : vt 슬쩍 찌르다. / 말을 느린 속보로 몰다. jog one's memory : ~의 기억을 찌르다. >> ~의 기억을 되살아 나게 하다. Thank you for jogging my memory. 내 기억을 찔러줘서 고맙네, -> 내 기억을 되살아 나게 해줘서 고맙네 -> 상기시켜줘서 고맙네.
2011.01.13 -
Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do? - Micheal Sandal
Episode 01 "THE MORAL SIDE OF MURDER" Episode 02: "PUTTING A PRICE TAG ON LIFE" Episode 03: "FREE TO CHOSE" Episode 04: "THIS LAND IS MY LAND" Episode 05: "HIRED GUNS" Episode 06: "MIND YOUR MOTIVE" Episode 07: "A LESSON IN LYING" Episode 08: "WHATS A FAIR START?" Episode 09: "ARGUING AFFIRMATIVE ACTION" Episode 10: "THE GOOD CITIZEN" Episode 11: "THE CLAIMS OF COMMUNITY" Episode 12: "DEBATING S..
2011.01.07 -
Michael Sandel: The lost art of democratic argument
마이클 센댈 - 정의란 무엇인가 저자. So with flutes, with golf carts, and even with a fiercely contested question like same-sex marriage, Aristotle has a point. Very hard to aruge about the justice without first arguing about the purpose of the social instititutions and about what qualities are worthy of honor and recognition.
2011.01.07 -
Attribute of the industrial desinger
개인적인 의견은, 생산자는 이런 자세여야 한다. Undesigned: The Symbiotic Relationship Of Steve Jobs And Jonathan Ive http://www.npr.org/blogs/alltechconsidered/2010/12/30/132477388/undesigned-the-symbiotic-relationship-of-steve-jobs-and-jonathan-ive ---- Robert Brenner, who has since left Apple, hired Ive in 1992. He says Ive is relentless. "You really have to be relentless to get good stuff out in the market and I..
2011.01.06 -
He looked distraught
He looked distraught He looked distraught : 그는 (명확하게 생각할 수 없어)혼란스러워 보였다. distraught : extremely upset and anxious so that you cannot think clearly
2011.01.03 -
she won a provisional victory.
she won a provisional victory from : http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/28/business/28borker.html?_r=3&pagewanted=all 그녀는 일단 승리를 얻었다. provisional : 딱 지금 한 순간을 위해 할당된, 순간적인 temporary : 짧은 시간동안 유지하기 위한, 임시의 provisional : arranged for the present time only and likely to be changed in the future temporary : lasting or intended to last or be used only for a short time