The quartet is, in fact, the epitome of preppiness, ingenuity and creativity.
The quartet is, in fact, the epitome of preppiness, ingenuity and creativity. quartet : 4인조 the epitome of something: ~의 완벽한 전형
2010.02.16 -
Not being on the iPhone and iPad could cost Adobe some growth opportunities.
Not being on the iPhone and iPad could cost Adobe some growth opportunities. cost Adobe some growth opportunities cost someone something : someone 에게 something 을 소모하게 하다. 기회를 소모하는 것이다. --> 기회를 희생하는 것이다.
2010.02.16 -
The Microsoft source, who requested anonymity because he is not authorized to speak to the press, says
The Microsoft source, who requested anonymity because he is not authorized to speak to the press, says 익명을 요구한 MS 소식통에 의하면, The Microsoft source : MS 소식통 requested anonymity. : 익명을 요구하다.
2010.02.16 -
What was that about saving bullet?
what was that about saving bullet? 저것은 saving bullet 에 대한 무엇이었나요? saving bullet에 대해 무슨 일이었어요? 뭐가 saving bullet 이야? What was that about a midnight cut-off? Still waiting on Berbatov though.
2010.02.16 -
What was that about?
누가 누군가를 찾거나 이럴때 우리는 그 사람에게 "무슨 일로 그러시죠?" 등으로 되묻게 된다. 이걸 영어로 하면 What is this about? >> 이게 무엇에 대한 것이냐? >> 무슨 일로 그러시죠? 란다. 뭔일이었어요? What was that about? >> 저것은 무엇에 대한 것이었나요? >> 무슨 일이었어요?
2010.02.16 -
Hesitant to show the entire poem to an outsider, They had decided to share just first two lines
Hesitant to show entire poem to the outsiders, They had decided to show just first two lines (Because they were) hesitant to show the entire poem to the outsiders, They had decided to show just first two lines