english words

2009. 6. 21. 16:24english


pared-down computer: 확줄인 컴퓨터, 삭감한 컴퓨터(?)
Two issues that have preoccupied the mobile industry are low capacity and small screens.
mobile industry 의 주된 이슈 2개는, mobile industry 를 점유하고 있는 이슈2 개는.

Netbooks are already being supplanted by a plethora of new gadgets
supplant : ~ 대신 들어앉다.
plethora of something : ~의 과잉.

abortive attempts : 실패한 시도, 성공하지 못한 시도.

all its rivals had jumped on the bandwagon. 모든 그의 라이벌들이 시류에 편승한 상태였다.
jump on the bandwagon.: 시류에 편승하다.

Asus’s first Eee PC was a puny device
puny device : 별볼일 없는 장치였다.

Windows XP, an old version of Microsoft’s flagship operating system.
flagship 대표적인 os, 중요핵심 os.

The firm insists this has neither cannibalised sales of its other chips as much as feared nor put pressure on its lofty margins
This has cannibalized sales of its other chips. : 제살깎아먹기 이다.