engish words
2008. 11. 30. 16:11ㆍenglish
flyer - 전단지
otherwise - 그렇지 않은 경우에
people make decisions which are more ethical than would otherwise be expected.
people make decisions which are more ethical than would be expected.
But GM can take one quite substantial crumb of comfort from this otherwise bleak assessment
they were to do the rating was a sterile staff space that needed to be kept clean.
sterile staff space - 무균 장비 공간
argue for/in favor of/against ~ : ~ 에 관하여 이유를 제시하다.
Malthus argued that natural populations grow at an exponential rate, whereas the increase in food supply is linear.
flyer - 전단지
otherwise - 그렇지 않은 경우에
people make decisions which are more ethical than would otherwise be expected.
people make decisions which are more ethical than would be expected.
But GM can take one quite substantial crumb of comfort from this otherwise bleak assessment
they were to do the rating was a sterile staff space that needed to be kept clean.
sterile staff space - 무균 장비 공간
argue for/in favor of/against ~ : ~ 에 관하여 이유를 제시하다.
Malthus argued that natural populations grow at an exponential rate, whereas the increase in food supply is linear.